The Book Club For The Other 90%

Did you know that over 90% of your library patrons don’t participate in book groups?
We have a solution for that! The Online Book Club is a perfect supplement to your already-established book groups, and helps you reach otherwise unreachable patrons.
Library Ideas has partnered with PBC Guru, the #1 online book club management company in the country, to bring this amazing service to public libraries.
The Online Book Club is a 24/7 gathering of your library community to discuss great books. Patrons can participate according to their schedules to discuss books chosen by their fellow club members.
Each new stimulating and professionally moderated discussion takes place over a two-month period, five times a year. The private discussion board is open 24/7. And there’s no need to worry about running out of copies of the chosen title: we provide unlimited access to the eBooks for all the titles.
The Online Book Club is an excellent addition to your in-person or Zoom book clubs. It doesn’t require any technology besides a web browser, and it has no set meeting times, making it perfect for those patrons whose schedules are difficult or who don’t wish to be around other people in these pandemic times. It’s also a great outreach program for your homebound patrons.
Since its inception one year ago, thousands of people across the world have joined their library’s Online Book Club. The most common thing we hear from them is: “This is my first book club.”
Other libraries have had great success with their “At Your Convenience” book clubs – why shouldn’t yours?
Kansas City Public Library Marketing
Kansas City Public Library markets the Online Book Club as “The Whenever Book Club” for people that are bad at book club
Read the Kansans City Public Library article here.
Kirkus calls it “The Book Club for Procrastinators.”
Read the Kirkus article here.
Call it what you want – the Online Book Club is a great addition to in person book clubs.